Several Factors that Determine the Thickness of Terry ​Athletic Socks

Several Factors that Determine the Thickness of Terry ​Athletic Socks

The simplest way to thicken socks is the well-known terry knitting method, which is also commonly known as terry socks or terry athletic socks. Terry athletic socks are always thicker than ordinary flat socks. However, there are many factors that determine the thickness of terry athletic socks! Let's analyze several factors that determine the thickness of terry athletic grip socks below.

Height of terry athletic socks

This is easy to understand. The higher the terry height, the thicker the socks. Generally, the terry height is between 3mm~4mm, and a few are done in 2mm~3mm to control costs. Badminton-specific or high-thickness terry athletic socks usually require a height of 5mm, which is generally called high terry in the factory. It is more expensive in terms of labor and material costs, so only high-quality athletic socks use it. If higher terry is needed, it usually requires modification of the sock machine, the use of special needles, and more time and effort. Therefore, except for a few high-demand, high-priced major brands of socks, such as the NBA's Elite Socks series, which may use higher terry.

However, blindly pursuing thickness is not recommended. Because everything will change over a limit. For example, thickness represents wear resistance, anti-friction and shock absorption. But beyond a certain point, blindly pursuing thickness will bring related problems such as stuffing the socks too tightly, lack of feedback and flexibility in delicate movements between the sports shoes and the heel of the foot due to the increased thickness. Of course, under the background of the lack of high-quality athletic socks, many consumers still emphasize thickness first, which is also understandable.

Number of yarns in terry athletic socks

The yarns used in socks are like twisting hemp ropes. Two yarns twisted into one strand or three yarns twisted into one strand are different. Consumers may not pay attention to this, but the objective feel of the physical object is still there. Terry 100 percent cotton athletic socks woven with three yarns must be more solid and heavier than those woven with two yarns. The most intuitive understanding is that the raw materials have a one-third difference. However, consumers cannot immediately discern the difference between three yarns and two yarns without comparison.

Yarn count in terry athletic socks

What is yarn count? Simply put, it refers to the thickness of each yarn. The yarn count of general athletic socks is 32 counts. The larger the number, the finer the yarn, such as 40 counts, and the smaller the number, the thicker the yarn, such as 24 counts. However, it is worth noting that smaller counts and thicker yarns are not necessarily better. Because the thicker yarns are generally lower-level cotton yarns. To pull out higher counts (finer yarn), your raw materials need to be good enough and delicate enough. Therefore, the home textile industry advocates high-count yarn. Because it has better skin-friendly and comfortable properties, and is more delicate. However, in 100 percent cotton athletic socks, someone has used 40 counts, which is indeed delicate, but the best balance point for athletic socks may be 32 counts.

Knitting density of terry athletic socks

This is a parameter setting on the sock machine. Generally, the higher the density value, the tighter the socks. However, this parameter is also not perceptible. Only when touched by hand and compared can it be conceptually understood. It is impossible to have cognition by looking at pictures when purchasing online.

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