

Aug, 2020
The Effect of Bounce Grip Socks
The Effect of Bounce Grip Socks
1. The effect of bounce grip socks: treatment of varicose veins of lower limb, phlebitis and other venous diseases of the lower extremitiespeople who always need to maintain the same posture are likel...
Aug, 2020
Airline Stockings: Avoid "Economy Class Syndrome"
One disadvantage of taking the plane is that it takes a long time to sit and restricts the leg movement, which will result in various leg symptoms, such as the heaviness and tiredness of legs, the swe...
Aug, 2020
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers about Airline Socks
The airline socks are the kind of socks that contain elastic rubber, not ordinary socks. They are able to promote the blood from the vein of lower extremities flowing back to the heart through the dif...
May, 2020
Why Choose Trampoline Socks
Why Choose Trampoline Socks
First, they reduce the possibility of slipping on the jumping mat on the trampoline.